Towards the end of the Parasha the laws of Kashrus are mentioned: “For I am Hashem your God – you…
In order to prepare the splitting of the sea, Hashem says to Moshe: “Speak to the Bnei Yisrael and let…
The 7th day of Pesach is when the Bnei Yisrael faced their first existential crisis as a nation. Days ago,…
הקדמה לסדר ]משיחות קודש[ מאורות השולחן פסח על המועדים 1 הגדה של פסח הקדמה לסדר ]משיחות קודש[ מובא בגמ’, שבעת…
The Shabbos preceding Pessach is named “Shabbos Hagadol” the “Great Shabbos”. Ink has been spilled over millennials to explain the…
Reciting the Haggadah and the Korban Pesach 1. Haggadah: [ ל”ת’ סי רמ״א[Some have the Minhag to recite the Haggadah…
This year most of us will be at home by ourselves for Pesach but together at the same time thousands…
Pesah – The Wine Used for Kadesh; The Special Kiddush Recited When the Seder is Held on Mosa’e Shabbat It…
The Verse states: “If his offering is a burnt offering [Ola] from the herd, he shall make his offering a…
The very first commandment given to Jews while they were still in Egypt was to create a calendar based on…