NG Please!!

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Don’t Be Shy!!!
Just Tell Them!


1. Do not express damaging or derogatory information about someone that might cause him physical, psychological or financial harm, even if it is true and deserved.
2. Promote people’s well being. When in doubt, don’t speak out.
3. Humor is great, but make sure jokes aren’t at someone else’s expense.

4. Be kind to yourself. Speaking badly even about yourself is unethical.
5. Don’t listen to gossip. If you can’t change the direction of the conversation, it is advisable to leave.
6. If you inadvertently hear damaging information, you should believe that it is NOT true.
7. Always give others the benefit of the doubt and focus on the positive.
8. Words once spoken can’t be erased. Think before you speak, especially if you are angry, hurt or jealous.
9. Use kind and supportive words with your children and spouse whenever possible. Harsh words can cause irreparable harm as can speaking derogatorily to others about the ones you love most.
10. It is not only permitted, but required, to warn a person about potential harm – for example, that a potential business partner has a repeated record of embezzlement.

Don’t Be Shy!!!
Just Tell Them!
NG Please!!

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1. Do not express damaging or derogatory information about someone that might cause him physical, psychological or financial harm, even if it is true and deserved.
2. Promote people’s well being. When in doubt, don’t speak out.
3. Humor is great, but make sure jokes aren’t at someone else’s expense.

4. Be kind to yourself. Speaking badly even about yourself is unethical.
5. Don’t listen to gossip. If you can’t change the direction of the conversation, it is advisable to leave.
6. If you inadvertently hear damaging information, you should believe that it is NOT true.
7. Always give others the benefit of the doubt and focus on the positive.
8. Words once spoken can’t be erased. Think before you speak, especially if you are angry, hurt or jealous.
9. Use kind and supportive words with your children and spouse whenever possible. Harsh words can cause irreparable harm as can speaking derogatorily to others about the ones you love most.
10. It is not only permitted, but required, to warn a person about potential harm – for example, that a potential business partner has a repeated record of embezzlement.

Post A Note On The Kotel

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It is a centuries-old tradition to place a note with a prayer or request in the Western Wall, the Kotel.

Type in your prayer. It will be printed out in the Old City of Jerusalem where it will be placed in the Western Wall by a student of Aish HaTorah. Notes that are anti-Semitic or uncivilized in nature will be automatically deleted.

"Window on the Wall" offers a special Internet service for people who are not in Jerusalem who wish to place a note in the Wall.

All Post A Note Kotel

S No: Prayer: Email:
1 [email protected]
2 testing [email protected]
3 Rouchel Bat Rivka Ruth lost her Son Daniel Tuvia Ben Yakutiel Yacov and is suffering from depression and buddly pain 24/7. Please HaShem send her a quick and complete recovery [email protected]
4 Jeniya Gila Rut bat Vajihi Ester and Benyamin Aharon Ben jeniya Gila Rut have a court date on May 19, 27 & 28 and need a Bracha for total success [email protected]
5 4/21/22 Please dear G-D, I am praying for: *Eliyahoo Shauel Ben Tzipora *Zelig Avrham Ben Frida *Daniella yael Bat Sura Elka *Rouchel Bat Chaya for Refouh Shlima V\'Mhira [email protected]