The Passuk says in Parshas Mikeitz, “The day grew lighter, and the men were sent out.” Why does the passuk…
The Gemara states that one cannot marry an “isha katlanis,” one whose first two husbands died while married to her.…
The Gemara in Horayos discusses the issue of gid hanasheh, the sciatic nerve, which is forbidden to eat. The source…
The Pirkei D’Rebbi Eliezer states that the source for Sheva Brachos is from Yaakov and Leah’s marriage. After realizing that…
The Gemara in Mesechta Megillah, based on a passuk in Parshas Toldos, tells us that it is forbidden to stare…
The Gemarah in Mesechta Brachos says that the Avos established the three tefillos that we say every day. Avrohom Avinu…
The Torah tells us in Parshas Vayeira that Avrohom woke up early in the morning in order to bring Yitzchok…
The Tamlud Yerushalmi comments on a passuk in Parshas Lech L’cha, “You shall surely circumcise the one born in your…
The Torah states in Parshas Noach states, “When I cover the land with clouds, the rainbow will appear in the…
The halachah states that there are three steps to doing teshuvah – confession, regret, and accepting not to do the…