1. Definition Good from bad 1. The Taz [319:13] authorizes removing the refuse together with a piece of a good…
This Parasha is full of insights and codes, we will focus on a striking Mitzva. “If, there is a needy…
The Pasuk says: “Hashem will ward off from you all sickness; He will not bring upon you any of the…
#1-Due to the coronovirus, many people have had toforfeit their zechus and obligation to daven witha Minyan. Boruch Hashem, we…
Then you shall remember Hashem, your G-d; that it was He Who gave you strength to be successful” (8:18). The…
Halachos of Tishah B’AvQuarantine Someone that tested positive and is quarantined, if he has noor light symptoms, a Rav should…
This week Parasha always ensues the fast of Tisha Beav and is known as “Shabbos Nachamu” “Shabbos of Comfort”. It…
The Mishna Taanis [4:6] recounts 5 calamities that occurred on Tisha Beav: 1/ The Twelve Spies sent by Moses to…
The Lord in my midst has rejected All my heroes; He has proclaimed a Holiday against me to crush my…
מאורות השולחן דיני תשעה באב אורח חיים1הלכות תשעה באבא. סעודת המפסקתנוהגים לאכול סעודת המפסקת לפני ת”ב. ומנהג ישראלתורה ואין לבטלו.…