Divrei Simcha — Parshas Vayeshev It’s Tuesday afternoon around 5:00pm. Beryl walks outside of the shul and screams his famous…
When is the ideal time to light the Chanukah candles? The opinion of the GR”A is that one should light…
Sufganiyot, or jelly doughnuts, have been a customary Chanukah food probably since the days of the Bais Hamikdash. What is…
Mitzvah #4 Sefer Ha’mitzvos Ha’Katzar (the concise book of mitzvos) By the Chofetz Chaim This book lists the Torah mitzvos…
Divrei Simcha on Parshas Vayishlach 5767 In this week’s parsha, Yaakov and Eisav meet for the first time in 34…
Divrei Simcha — Parshas Vayeitzei 5767 I am very thankful to a good friend of mine that shared this week’s…
To many this may seem simple, but in reality there are many different factors involved in answering this question. The…
Sefer Ha’mitzvos Ha’Katzar (the concise book of mitzvos)By the Chofetz Chaim This book lists the Torah mitzvos that can be…
Divrei Simcha for Parshas Chayei Sarah 5767 I once had the opportunity to hear one of the gedolim (greatest rabbi)…
This Friday afternoon, hundreds of school children will be bringing home their beautiful projects of Avraham’s house with four doors.…