Zvachim Daf 52 – Sacrifices – where the altar

Sacrifices Page turned – where the altar

The Gemara (Asab.) discussed how they knew from Babylon, when they rebuild the Temple, what place of the altar:

Rabbi Elazar said: see the altar built the great minister is Michael sacrifices it.

R. Isaac Puffs said Isaac’s ashes see lies in the same place.

R. Samuel bar Nachmani said the whole house smell any smell of incense, then smelled the smell organs.

If we try to stand on the meaning of the three options presented in the Talmud, we find that they suggest three different factors by law where the altar –

A) Divine choice. According to a description of the altar, the angel Michael sacrifices to the victims, who teaches that the altar of the earthly Jerusalem directed against the altar of the heavenly Jerusalem.

This approach has been adopted by many of the last written by the altar must be built by the prophet to guide the builders determine the exact location (see the speed with Ahgree”aza Firstborn Q:).

B) Historical background. According to Isaac’s ashes description reflects the fact that the altar is located where it Neaked Isaac.

This approach is also Maimonides describing the place of the altar (Laws of the choice of b) –

“Tradition in hand all the place where David and Solomon built the altar barn Aruna is the place where Abraham built his altar, bound Isaac, and the place where Noah built the ark when he left, he sacrificed on the altar of Cain and Abel, Adam sacrificed a victim Achsnbera then created, said the wise man from the breach happened. ”

C) sanctification by man. So you can understand the possibility that the altar was a place recognition by scent organs Shuaktro him at first.

According to the opinion of several recent (Tzofnat Decrypt contributions p. 7, Temple of P. Feb) who wrote the sanctity of the altar is not created by itself and need to make it an act of sanctification by man.

These options also throw on understanding the words of Rabbi Yohanan later Gemara:

“Said Rabbah bar Bar Hana IR John: three prophets were with them from exile, one who testified to the altar, and one who testified to the place of the altar, and one of them testified Shmckeribine although there is no house.”

By R. John disclosure where the altar was under “a prophet who testified to them.” This expression, “a prophet who said” a little hard, and you can understand it in two different ways: –

A) The need for the Prophet teaches that the Temple is talking about the only visible prophets, and language “indicated” it means only that the Prophet stated that he will. (So accurate final number Rashi) This understanding fits whose approach the altar is a divine choice.

B) The term “indicated” indicates that the prophet functioned only transmitting ancient tradition, and not use his powers of prophecy. (So costs went there as the Rambam III – each shape is known) proper understanding of which approaches the altar is a place and its historical background or holiness that fell to him in the temple of Solomon.
Rabbi Avraham Fall

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