Vaeschanan July 22 2010

The first commandment of the Aseres HaDibros is, “Anochi Hashem Elokecha – I am Hashem your G-d.” There is an argument between the
Ramba”m and the Ramba”n whether or not this is included in the 613
mitzvos. The Ramba”m states that it is the mitzvah of emunah. The Ramba”n is of the opinion that emunah is the prelude to all mitzvos.
If one does not have emunah, than he will not fulfill any mitzvos, even the mitzvah of emunah. The commentaries answer the Ramban’s
question by stating that the mitzvah is telling us to increase our emunah. The first level of belief we already have, but we must always increase and raise the strength of emunah.

Rabbi Aharon Dovid Singer
Director of Community Development North Miami Beach Community Kollel

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