Torah Teaser – Parshat Vayikra Questions & Answers – March 06 2114 – 5774

Torah Teasers

The Akeida On The North Side The Medrash tells us that when we say the Pasuk (Vayikra 1:11), “V’Shachat Oisoi Al Yerech HaMizbei’ach Tzafona,” by davening, Hashem remembers the Akeida. What is it about the Tzafon or the North that specifically makes Hashem remember the Akeida?
Rav Yehoshua Leib Diskin (Pninim MiShulchan Gavoa) answers that although in the Mishkan the Korban was not shechted on the Mizbei’ach itself, in previous generations the Shechita was done on top of the Mizbei’ach.
By the Akeida, when the Malach told Avrohom not to shecht Yitzchok and take the ram instead, Avrohom left him tied on the Mizbei’ach still hoping that he will be able to perform the Tzivui Hashem with Mesiras Nefesh. Therefore, he needed to shecht the ram on the north side of the mizbei’ach. since Yitzchok was already in the center. When we shecht korbanos north of the Mizbei’ach, Hashem remembers not only the Akeida, but the great ratzon of Avrohom to do Hashem’s will, so much so that even after he was commanded not to do it, he left Yitzchok on the Mizbei’ach.
Hashem’s Korban Is Adam Rav Yehonoson Eibshitz says that it is known that when Hashem commands us to do something, He does it himself first to set an example. Where then do we find that Hashem brought a Korban?
Rav Yehonoson says that we find this by Nadav and Avihu, who were the Korban of Hashem. Hashem showed us that a Korban must be pure and clean and because of this He chose these two Tzaddikim who had the Neshama of Adam. Moshe understanding this concept, said to Aharon after their death that he was sure the Korban would be himself or Aharon and didn’t realize what great tzaddikim Nadav and Avihu were that they surpassed their father and uncle.
With this Rav Yehonoson explains the first pasuk of Vayikra to show that Hashem indeed brought a Korban before Bnei Yisroel. “Adam Ki Yarkriv Mikem Korban Lashem”, Hashem’s korban was from us, specifically Nadav and Avihu who had the neshama of Adam. However, continues the pasuk, “Min HaBeheima… Takrivu Es Korbanchem”, Bnei Yisroel should bring a korban from animals.
Korban Olah V’Yored, Giving Up Your “Mun” for a Day In Parshas Vayikra, among the many korbanos is the Korban Oleh V’Yored, whose offering depends on the wealth of the individual who did the aveira. The most modest option for a kapara is a Mincha which consists of one tenth of an eifah of flour.
The Oznayim LaTorah points out that this is the same amount as the Omer LaGulgoles which was the ration of Mun allotted for each person in the Midbar. The omer is the amount a healthy person needs to eat each day. The significance of this amount for the Olah V’Yored is that even a person who is destitute must give up eating one day and instead use his ration for a Korban. Moreover says the Oznayim LaTorah, we find that Tzaddikim in the gemara would fast 40 days for a single small infraction. Certainly each person could stand to fast one day for his aveira.
The Lucky Nation Whose Nasi Sins “Asher Nasi Yechta”, when the Nasi sins (4:22). Rasho brings down the gemara (Horiyos 10b) that says Asher is from “Ashrei”, “Ashrei HaDor SheHaNasi Yechta”, fortunate is the generation whose Nasi sins. What is so goods about having a Nasi who sins? Is it not a public scandal when he is forced to march in front of the cameras to bring his Korban in the Bais HaMikdash?
The Chida is Midayek in the word Yechta. Chait is an error, a misjudgment. Even the Nasi can make a mistake and his tshuva is a Kiddush Hashem. Unfortunate is the generation whose Nasi is arrogant, that is a Pesha, criminal behavior that will lead to many other aveiros and surely harm the entire nation. When the Nasi is only a Chotei and does tshuva, the generation is very fortunate.
The Iturei Torah brings from Rav Menchem Dovid of Amshinov that a person who is perfect and doesn’t know what it means to lose the battle against temptation will not be sympathetic to those who are not perfect. A good leader is one who understands the struggles of the average man. When the Nasi himself tasted chait the generation is fortunate as he has experienced their plight as well and can help lead them towards the golden path.
The Zohar Says A Kohen Can’t Do Shechita On A Korban The Halacha is that Shechita on a Korban is Kasher even by a Zar, a non-Kohen. However the the Zohar says that it is assur for a Kohen to do Shechita. Where does the Zohar get this from? A Kohen may not be the only one able to do Shechita, but how can the Zohar say that it is assur? The Pninim MiShulchan Gavoa brings from Rav Betzalel HaKohen of Vilna that if a Kohen does Shechita he may not wear his Bigdei Kehuna while doing it. The reason is that since a Zar can do Shechita as well, it is not considered Avoda. Therefore since his Bigdei Kehuna have Shatnez in them, it is only permissible during avodah, and since Shechita is not avodah it assur to wear shatnez.
The gemara (Zevachim 17b) says that when a Kohen is not wearing his Bigdei Kehuna he has a din of a Zar. This is what the Zohar means that it is assur for a Kohen wearing Bigdei Kehuna to do Shechita. If however he is wearing regular clothing, he is more than welcome to do Shechita like any other Zar.
Chometz On Pesach, Chometz On The Mizbei’ach “Lo Sei’aseh Chametz Ki Chol Si’or… Lo Saktiru Mimenu Isheh Lashem” (Vayikra 2:11). The two places that the Torah forbids Chometz is on the Mizbei’ach all year round, and in every person’s home on Pesach. Why is this?
Pesach is the Yom Tov that imbues Emunah into our souls. Yetzias Mitzrayim is the banner we wave as the proof of Hashem’s control over the world and His love for us, and we frequently mention Zeicher Litzias Mitzrayim. During this Yom Tov where we bask in the arms of our great Protector and Father in Shamayim, we refrain from eating any Chametz and leave the Briah as He made it, without our intervention.

Created By Avrohom Sherman
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