Torah Teasers
Yaakov The True Tzaddik Married Two Sisters All the Meforshim ask, how was Yaakov able to marry two sisters if the Avos kept the Torah even before it was given. One common answer, based on the Ramban, is that the Avos only accepted to keep the Torah in Eretz Yisrael and Yaakov was in Charan at the time. However, we find that the Avos did keep the Torah in most instances, even in Chutz LaAretz, so why was this different? Furthermore, the Avos kept the Torah because they understood the way of the world and knew how Kiyum HaMitzvos builds the world and Aveiros destroy. So why did Yaakov choose to violate the Torah just because he was in Chutz LaAretz?
Rav Yaakov Kaminetzky says that the Kabalah, the commitment was only in Eretz Yisrael. In Chutz LaAretz it was a Chumra. While Yaakov surely wanted to keep the entire Torah, even in Chutz LaAretz, in this case he had promised Rochel that he would marry her. It was only because of Lavan’s deviousness that he married Leah, but he still needed to keep his word to Rochel. While keeping extra Chumros are wonderful, Yaakov was not about to break his promise to Rochel over a Chumra. Without hesitating, Yaakov married Rochel at the first possible opportunity, even while violating a future prohibition.
When Lavan Is Ready To Be Moser Nefesh Lavan chases Yaakov and when they meet he demands his idols back. After searching all the tents and not finding anything, Yaakov says (31:36) “MaPish’i U’Mah Chatosi Ki Dalakta Acharai; What was my sin that you chased me?” Rav Meir Shapiro explains differently. Lavan was no match for Yaakov Avinu whose strength was legendary, ever since the first day he set foot in Charan and flicked the boulder off the well. Not only that, but his sons, the Shevatim, were cut in their father’s mold and made a veritable army. Nevertheless, Lavan was ready to go to battle and risk his life. For what? To retrieve his avodah zara. At this point, Yaakov is amazed at Lavan’s Mesiras Nefesh. Questioning his own mesiras nefesh, Yaakov says, “Ma Pish’i U’Mah Chatosi; How great is my own sin… Ki Dalakta Acharai; That you chased me in hot pursuit and were ready to give your life for nonsense, whereas, I have never shown this kind of dedication to my Hashem who is King of the universe!” Rav Chaim Kanievsky answered this complaint when asked what can Klal Yisrael say when our enemies are ready to commit suicide missions in the name of their god, while we can’t claim the same willingness and dedication. He said that our mesiras nefesh needs to overcome the mighty Yetzer Hara, while in their case, the Yetzer Hara is the one behind them, giving them the strength and fortitude to carry it out.
A Kiss And A Scream “Vayishak Yaakov L’Rochel Vayisa Es Kolo Vayeivch; Yaakov kissed Rochel and raised his voice and cried.” (Vayeitzei 29:11) The Ben Ish Chai says that it is common for people to cry during an emotional reunion. In this case, however, Yaakov did not simply shed emotional tears when he met Rochel, he raised his voice in loud cries. “Adults,” says the Ben Ish Chai, “do their crying quietly, so why did Yaakov make so much noise?”
He answers that the Medrash says when Yaakov kissed Rochel he saw the other shepherds whispering behind his back. They were saying that since the Mabul all the nations refrained from inappropriate behavior and Erva, and now this stranger comes along and starts the whole thing all over again by kissing Rochel in public.
When Yaakov heard this he cried very loudly to show them that this kiss was not, Chas V’Shalom, Erva. Had it been so, he would be laughing and acting light hearted. He, therefore, cried loudly to show all of them that this was purely emotional and nothing more.
Why Didn’t Eisav Marry Le’ah? Upon Yaakov’s return to Eretz Yisrael, when his encounter with Eisav became inevitable, Yaakov sent a message to Eisav saying, “Im Lavan Garti… Vayehi Li Shor Vachamor…;I lived with Lavan and I have accumulated a great deal of assets.” (Vayishlach 32:5-6) What message was Yaakov sending to Eisav with these two seemingly irrelevant details about his life which Eisav already knew?
The Ben Ish Chai answers with another question. Everyone knew that Lavan had two daughters and they were supposed to marry Rivka’s two sons. Why, after Yitzchok sent Yaakov to Lavan, did Eisav not also go to take Leah for his wife?
The Ben Ish Chai answers that after Yaakov stole the Brachos from Eisav, Eisav said, “Now I know why they call him Yaakov, because he tricked me twice.” From then on, before dealing with anyone Eisav checked into his name. Lavan’s name turned out to be a disaster. Lavan backwards is “Naval” or despicable. No one ever went into Lavan’s house and came out safely. He was the Sitra Acher and everything he did came out backwards left to right. Furthermore, Naval is the name of the Malach responsible for poverty, something that Eisav wanted no part of and was terrified of. Yaakov wanted to let Eisav know that his power was beyond the realm of nature. Not only did he come out of Lavan’s house alive, but he also came out with a large family, and he even became very rich. He conquered a place that Eisav feared to tread… and he was prepared to face off against his brother, as well.
Why Killing Eisav Would Have Been A Disaster Rashi says that the pasuk says twice that Yaakov was afraid(Vayira, Vayeitzer) of his meeting with Eisav because he was afraid of two things. He was afraid that Eisav may kill him, and he was afraid,that he may kill Eisav. Why was he afraid of killing Eisav in self defense?
Rav Aryeh Leib Tzintz writes that the whole reason Eisav hated Yaakov was because Yaakov bought the Bechor from him. Yaakov wanted the Bechor for its spiritual reason, namely he wanted to do the avodah in the Bais HaMikdash. The halacha is that a Kohen who has killed someone, even by accident, may not raise his hands for Birchas Kohanim and may certainly not do any avoda. Had Yaakov killed Eisav, his 34 years of running from Eisav would have been for naught because he would be disqualified from the avoda anyway, and the Bechor would have been rendered meaningless.
Created By Avrohom Sherman
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