Torah Teaser – Parshat Shemini Questions & Answers – March 19 2114 – 5774

Torah Teasers
Parshas Shemini
The Death Of Tzadikim The Meshech Chochma explains that the whole purpose of Nadav and Avihu’s deaths was to cause a Kiddush Hashem. When the tzadikim are punished for small aveiros, people realize that they themselves need to seriously rectify their own behavior.
Hashem’s resting of his Shechina on the Mishkan was a sign that He forgave Bnei Yisrael for Chait Ha’Egel. Therefore, Bnei Yisrael may have gotten the mistaken impression that even when they do a severe aveira like the egel, Hashem will quickly forgive them and that Hashem is a “Vatran”. Therefore, by instantly killing two great tzadikim like Nadav and Avihu for a small aveira, Hashem restored the fear of His judgement among the people. Therefore, their perfectly timed deaths on this very day caused a great Kiddush Hashem.
The Fire At The Vilna Gaon’s Levaya After Nadav and Avihu died it says, “V’Chol Bais Yisroel Yivku Es Hasreifa Asher Saraf Hashem; the entire nation will cry and extinguish the raging fire that hashem burned.” (Shemini 10:6) What are these fires and what does it have to do with the death of a Tzaddik?
The Pninim MiShulchan Gavoa brings that at the Levaya of the Vilna Gaon, the Chayei Adam, Rav Avhrohon Danzig, said that the Midas HaDin, which is like a raging fire, constantly prosecutes Bnei Yisrael. The way to extinguish this fire is with water, the water of Torah. While the tzadikim are alive, their Torah keeps the fire at bay and prevents it from devouring Klal Yisrael. Upon their death, the water stops to flow, and the fire can grow out of control, causing great damage to Klal Yisrael. The only thing that extinguishes this fire are the tears that run from our eyes upon the news of their passing. Hashem tells Klal Yisrael to cry rivers of tears for the Tzaddikim as a way of saving ourselves, despite the loss of our water filled protector.
The Pig Will Do Tshuva The Pasuk says regarding the kashrus of a pig, “Vihoo Gairah Lo Yigar; Apig may not be eaten because it does not chew its cud.” The Or Hachaim Hakadosh explains, that these words are telling us that as long as the pig does not chew its cud it is prohibited; but when it starts chewing its cud it will be Mutar to eat. This will take place LeAsid Lavo – in the time of Mashiach. That is why the pig is called a Chazer. Because it will return (Chozer) and become kosher in the future.
Glory In Death After the tragic deaths of Nadav and Avihu, Moshe told Aharon (Shmini 10:3) this is what Hashem meant when He said, “Bikrova Ekadesh; I will glorify Myself through My holy ones.” How did Moshe know that their death was the great Kiddush Hashem that was foretold? Where in death lies the greatness of Hashem?
Rav Shimshon Pincus brings the Gemara (Niddah 30b) that says, “Ki Licha Tichra Kol Berech; All knees will bow to You,” means death. When Hashem does Din, people fear Him and His name is glorified. There is no greater Din than death.
Rav Shimshon says, “We see that by a levaya even non religious people put on a Yarmulka and say Kaddish as they stand in awe of Hashem. When there is a dead body present all subjugate themselves to Hashem. This is why,” says Rav Shimshon, “Chilul Hashem is not forgiven even on Yom Kippur, only with death. Only Kiddush Hashem can rectify Chilul Hashem, and there is no Kiddush Hashem like death.”
Between A Successful & Unsuccessful Pregnacy The Mishna in Yuma says that a pregnant woman who smell food on Yom Kippur and gets a craving, may eat as much as she needs to calm herself down so as not to harm the baby. The Gemara tells a story of two pregnant women who had cravings on Yom Kippur from the smell of food. They whispered into each woman’s ear that it is Yom Kippur. One baby calmed down, and the mother didn’t eat anything. That baby turned out to be the great Amora, Rebbi Yochanan. The other baby did not relax until the mother ate. He turned out to be the infamous Rasha, Shabttai Otzar Peiros.
Rebbi Akiva Eiger (see Iturei Torah) says that there is a Remez to this in the pasuk (Shmini 11:47). “L’Havdil Bain HaTamei U’Bain HaTahor; We can distinguish between the pure and impure.” How? The pasuk continues, “U’Bain HaChaya HaNecheles U’Bain HaChaya Asher Lo Tochel.” Although this literally means between the animals you may eat or not eat, Chaya also means a woman who gives birth. The Tumah or Tahara of the child can be distinguished by their pregnant mothers, and if they ate or not.
Aharon’s Calf & Bnei Yisroel’s Calf Were Very Diffferent On the eighth day of Milu’im when Aharon was first entrusted with the avodah and the inauguration of the Mishkan, both Aharon and the Bnei Yisroel each brought an Eigel as a Korban for a kapara on the Chait HaEigel. Aharon’s Eigel was a Korban Chatos while the Bnei Yisroel’s Eigel was brought as a Korban Olah. Why?
The Kli Yakar answers that a Korban Chatos is Michaper for a maaseh a bad action, while a Korban Olah is Michaper for a Machshava a bad thought. Aharon had no intention of worshipping Avodah Zara and did not want an Eigel but was forced to make it. He needed a Kapara for his actions only. Whereas Bnei Yisroel who had bad intentions of serving the Eigel, they needed a kapara for their thoughts and therefore brought a Korban Olah. What about the Bnei Yisroel’s aveira of bringing sacrifices before the Eigel, which was also a Maaseh? For that says the Kli Yakar they brought a Sa’ir a goat for a Chatos. He explains that the Chait HaEigel was a Maaseh Satan it was orchestrated by the Satan and the Sheidim who are called Si’irim. Therefore for their actions they brought the Sa’ir.
After Pesach Tshuvah Starts In The Belly Most years the Shabbos immediately following Pesach we read Parshas Shemini. The Shem MiShmuel says that this is no coincidence. Matza is called Nahama D’Asvasa the healing bread and

Nahama D’Mihemnusa the bread of faith. On Pesach we take refuge under the Kanfei HaShechina and renew ourselves as the Am Hashem. Therefore, immediately after Pesach when we go back to regular food, the Torah warns us that all year round we must avoid eating unkosher foods which are discussed in Parshas Shemini.

Created By Avrohom Sherman
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