Torah Teaser – Parshat Balak Questions & Answers – July 02 2115-5775

Do Normal People Argue With Donkeys? After Bilam’s donkey finally had enough abuse, the donkey turned around and verbally complained to Bilam. One would think that Bilam would be awestruck at the sound of his donkey talking. Yet, Bilam doesn’t flinch, and he answers the donkey back, getting into a verbal altercation, as if this is a perfectly normal everyday occurrence. Why?
Rav Chaim Kanievsky answers that Bilam was being accompanied by all the most distinguished ministers of Moav, and he didn’t want to look bad. Therefore, he pretended that indeed he had a special donkey with whom he conversed on a regular basis. He wanted to show the ministers how he puts his donkey in place. Unfortunately, things did not work out so well for Bilam, as he lost the argument, shaming himself in front of his prestigious guides.

Bilam, A Blind Eye But Perfect Vision “U’Ni’um HaGever Shisum HaAyin”, this is the declaration of the man of the open-socketed eye (Balak 24:3). Unkelus says this means that he saw very well, while the gemara (Sanhedrin 105) says that we see from here he was blind in one eye. Is this a contradiction?
The Ba’al Shem Tov (Iturei Torah) says no. In order to obtain Nevua one must purify his heart, his senses, and his limbs to a high degree. This is the path that all the Nevi’im of Bnei Yisroel took.
Hashem wanted to give Nevua to Bilam in order to pacify the other nations, but he had a big problem. His entire being was defiled. How can nevua rest on a person without a single pure and unsullied limb? To solve this Hashem gave him one eye that he could not see out of. This eye remained pure through its disuse, despite being in a person of Bilam’s low caliber. Precisely because he was blind in one eye, Shisum HaAyin, he had the ability to see the plans of Heaven with his deep vision, Shisum HaAyin.

Bilam’s Races to Arrive Before Rosh HaShana What was Bilam’s big rush to wake up early to go to Balak? What was with the waffling decision making by the Malach? Hashem gave Bilam permission to go, and now a malach was stopping him?
Rav Yehonason Eibushitz answers with a Medrash Tanchuma that says that when Hashem is judging the world there is no anger in Shamayim. This refers to the days from Rosh Hashana until after Yom Kippur. Bilam arrived in Moav on the first day of Rosh Hashana. Because of this the Malach let him go, since his curses would be ineffective as there was no anger in Shamayim.
Bilam, realizing that he had to get to Moav and curse Bnei Yisrael before Rosh Hashana, woke up early to beat the deadline. Therefore, although he previously gave him permission, due to Bilam’s hasty departure, the Malach had to come stop him, or at least slow him down, so that he arrives on Rosh Hashana when it is already too late to curse Bnei Yisrael.

How Did Yisro Get A Piece Of Avrohom’s Eretz Yisroel? “Vayar Es HaKeini Vayisa Mishalo Vayomar Eisam Moshavecha V’Sim BaSela Kinecha” (Balak 24:21). Bilam prophesized that the children of Yisro, the Keini, will get a part of Eretz Yisrael. How could Hashem give a portion of Eretz Yisrael to Yisro if it had been promised to the descendants of Avrohom of which Yisro was not?
The Mekach Tov brings the Tiferes Tzvi that the Rambam paskens that if you give someone a piece of land it does not include the mountains or the rocky areas. Bilam saw the Keini were destined to get a portion of Eretz Yisrael as in the word Kinyan or taking ownership. He said, “Eisan Moshavecha,” but it is the land promised to Eisan, otherwise known as Avrohom Avinu. To this the nevua continued, “V’Sim BaSelah Kinecha; Their place will be in the rocky area,” which is not part of Avrohom’s package.

Bilam Can’t Curse An Akara Avrohom as well as all the Imahos were Akaros and naturally unable to produce offspring. It was only with Tefila and Rachamei Shamayim that they eventually gave birth. Why did Hashem do this? The Ben Ish Chai explains that when someone has a child he effectively gives birth to all the future generations that come out of that child, and therefore, has a stake in each and every one of them. Hashem did not want Bnei Yisrael to be attached to their wicked roots of Terach and the like and, therefore, ended these people’s link to the future offspring. The children of Avrohom and all the Imahos are traced back to them only’ as Avrohom was not given the capacity to produce offspring from Terach.
Hashem said to Bilam, “Lo Sa’or Es Ha’am Ki Boruch Hu; You cannot curse them, since they are the children of the blessed Avos. Bilam had a great idea. He will curse the children of Terach, among which Avrohom’s children are included, despite the collateral damage. By cutting off Avrohom from Terach, Hashem was able to spare them in advance of Bilam’s plot.
“We see this,” says the Ben Ish Chai, “from the pasuk, ‘Ki Meirosh Tzurim Erenu,'” (Balak 23:9). Bilam’s bracha was, “I only see them from the Tzurim,” which are the Avos and the Gva’os which are the Imahos, and not before that. Therefore, “Hein Am L’vadad Yishkon; These are a nation that is carved out from their predecessors. UVaGoyim Lo Yischashav; they are not part of any curse I give to their forefathers.”

Created By Rov Avrohom Sherman
[email protected]

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