Toldos 5768 – Rivka’s Response

After twenty years of marriage, Rivka finally becomes pregnant. Happiness filled their house, but then strange things started happening. Rivka walked by a shul and she felt the baby inside of her kicking to come out. Later, she walked by a place full of idols and again she felt her baby kicking to come out. Rivka was very worried. Her child was very confused and this is certainly not something that she wanted. She was happy that her child was excited when he passed the shul but worried that it kicked when it passed idols. So, the verse tells us that she went to “Lidrosh” – find out what is going on?

Rashi comments that the word Lidrosh means that she went to the yeshiva and asked the great rebbis what she should do. The Ramban says the word Lidrosh means something different. It means that she davened – she prayed.

After reading these commentaries, I applied this to myself. When I am in a tough situation and I don’t know what is going on, what do I do? First, I usually start by complaining about my situation. Then, when no one listens nor answers me, I usually get very angry. I start yelling at other people. I get very depressed and worried.

How does Rivka react? According to Rashi and the Ramban, she either asks advice from a great Rabi or davens to Hashem to help her. Once she realizes a problem exists, she does not get worried nor start complaining. She goes to the place where she knows she can get answers. She goes to the people that can help her.

Which reaction do you think is better?

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