White toothed from milk (Bereshis 49:12) The Gemara in Kesubos quotes the above verse and states that when a person…
Now Joseph recognized his brothers, but they did not recognize him. (Bereshis 42:8) Rabbi Wallerstein makes a very important insight…
Yosef brought back bad reports about them (Bereshis 37:2) There were three people in history who have been associated with…
And Hashem said to Yaakov, ‘arise, go up to Bais Keil and dwell there and make an altar to Hashem…
Now Yaakov lifted his feet and went to the land of the people of the East (Bereshis 29:1) In the…
And the children struggled within her (Bereshis 25:22) Rashi informs us that Rivka had an issue when she was pregnant.…
BIG NEWS!!!!! Yaakov Ephraim Seltzer, the author of the weekly D’var Torah on www.chesedclub.com, is coming out with his first…
But he (Lot) tarried, and the men took hold of his hand and his wife’s hand, and the hand of…
Hashem said to Avram, ‘go from your land, your birthplace, and your father’s house to the land I will show…
And he (Noach) planted a vineyard (Bereshis 9:20) Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser asks a question on this week’s parsha: what did…