Noach 5776 – Rebuild

And he (Noach) planted a vineyard (Bereshis 9:20)

Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser asks a question on this week’s parsha: what did Noach do wrong? There was a huge flood that destroyed the entire world. After 365 days of being cramped in a large boat and constantly feeding animals day and night, Noach finally leaves the ark. The first thing he does is plant a vineyard and drinks a lot of wine. Noach is punished for this behavior but what did he do wrong? In Tehillim it states, “Wine brings joy to the heart of man.” After all that Noach had gone through in the previous year on the boat and then stepping into a desolate world, Noach needed something to cheer himself up. So, what’s wrong with him having a little drink of wine?

Rabbi Goldwasser answers that after all of the destruction, Noach should have first focused on rebuilding. Sometimes we need to focus on the community needs more than our own needs. By planting a vineyard, Noach only cared for himself. If, instead, Noach had planted wheat, it would have shown that he is taking the first step in rebuilding the world. When the world is destroyed, we need to rebuild it.

The world around us is being destroyed. It is hard to open the newspaper and not cry! It is time for us to rebuild.

We all have seeds in our hands. Are they seeds to plant vineyards or wheat fields?

Good Shabbos!
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to see previous Divrei Simcha on the Parsha, please go to OR > Torah Study

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