The Midrash in Breishis Rabbah states a halachah that one should knock on a door before entering a house, lest…
Chaza”l learn a Halacha regarding the laws of inheritance from this week’s Parsha. The Torah refers to the 12 sons…
The Gemara in Bava Basra learns from this week’s Parsha that when giving over an inheritance, a father must be…
In parshas Vayishlach, as Yaakov Avinu crossed the Yabok River, the angel of Eisav came to fight with him. Although…
In this week’s parsha, Eisav sells his bechora to Yaakov Avinu. When speaking to Eisav, Yaakov says “Sell today your…
The sheva brochos at a wedding are always full of joy and excitement. Chaza”l in Masecheta Kallah point to a…
In the middle of Avrohom’s speaking to Hashem, he suddenly walks away to welcome guests into his home. At first…
In this week’s Parsha, we learn that one must give his maaser oni to the poor and downtrodden, and follows…
The passuk in this week’s Parsha says, “So you should do to your brother’s lost object that he lost.” Seemingly,…
In this week’s Parsha we learn the source of the power of the Chachomim to make decrees and fences around…