When is the earliest time in the evening when one can fulfill the Misva of reading the nighttime Shema? This…
The mitzvah to care for another Jew as though this Jew were you. The power to transcend labels and identify…
A doctor, the Talmud says, is licensed by G‑d to heal. Which is wondrous. So get a good doctor. Follow…
Your body and your soul fuse together as one. Nothing happens in the soul that is not reflected in the…
A man had a dream and saw Hashem! and he ask Hashem what surprise you most about A man and…
The very first commandment given to Jews while they were still in Egypt was to create a calendar based on…
Why Does the Jewish Calendar Follow the Moon? The very first commandment given to Jews while they were still in…
Shacharis The Zohar is very strict about being among theten first people, and to absolutely never arrivelate, as it is…
*Preparing a coffee on Shabbos The use of instant coffee presents no problem. However, the use of grounded coffee beans…
Items of the same kind The Trumas HaDeshen [Siman 57] questions; whether pieces of the same kind constitute a mixture?…