A person should have a set place (makom kavu’ah) that he davens and should not move to different places. This…
In the third blessing of Shemone Esray (Amidah) we say that the Kedoshim (holy ones) praise G-d everyday. There are…
There is a story that the Russian czar once found out about a certain artist that did beautiful work and…
The Gemara in Brachos says that a person that says Ashrei three times a day receives a portion in the…
A person that speaks Lashon Hara will not have his prayers answered. Imagine if a person hurts your child and…
The commentators point out that one of the reasons that Esther invited Haman to her party with the king was…
The Gemara in Brachos mentions that a person should connect the prayer G’al Yisroel (that G-d redeemed Israel, which mentions…
Every morning, we recite 15 brachos to start our day. In one of them we state “Blessed… who prepares the…
The best time to say Shema in the morning is a few minutes before Neitz (sunrise). This way a person…
Sometimes we take things for granted, especially those things that happen every day. Our Sages wanted to make sure we…