Shavuos Night

The Zohar brings a custom that many spend the night of Shavuos learning Torah. According to the Arizal whoever spends the night learning will finish the year without seeing any harm. What is the reason for this custom? The Midrash tells us that the night before Matan Torah, Klal Yisrael went to sleep. When Hashem came in the morning, He found them still sleeping and had to awaken them. We therefore stay up to fix their mistake. (See Mishna Berura 494:1)
By not sleeping at night, some halachic questions arise. Some of the blessings we say before shacharis should be said only after having slept.
Al nitilas yadayim and Asher yatzar should only be said after using the washroom.
Elokai neshama and the last blessing of bircas hashachar should be said aloud by someone who has slept. Sleeping more than a half an hour is enough to say these brochas.
Regarding Bircas HaTorah, if one slept on erev Shavuos, he can say Bircas HaTorah himself the next morning. If not, someone that slept at night should say it for him.
Regarding tzitzis, whoever doesn’t wear a tallis should listen to the brocha form someone that does. He should be holding on to his tzitzis during the brocha.

Rabbi Tzvi Aryeh Hyman, Mir Yeshiva.
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