
There is a mitzvah to make kiddush on Friday night. According to most opinions, the mitzvah d’oraisa (from the Torah) can be accomplished even without wine. There is a rabbinic ordinance that we need to make kiddush on wine, and also immediately prior to the meal.
The Magen Avraham 271:1 says that the mitzva d’oraisa is completed upon mentioning the sanctity of Shabbos during shemona esrai. According to this, a problem is presented. The mitzvah d’oraisa is completed in shul. The kiddush at home will only be d’rabonon (rabinically ordained). If so, how can a man who went to shul make a kiddush at home for a woman who did not go to shul? (According to some poskim, a man who already said kiddush cannot say kiddush for a woman who did say or hear kiddush yet). Due to this question, some suggest that a man should have in mind not to fulfill his obligation of kiddush during davening. However, even if one did not have this in mind, he may still recite kiddush at home for a woman who was not in shul.

Rabbi Tzvi Aryeh HymanMir Yeshiva, Jerusalem- [email protected]

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