Parshas Vayishlach-Ignorance Bliss-By Rabbi Moshe Gruenstein

Ignorance Bliss,
In this week’s parsha, an epic battle takes place between Yaakov and the angel of
Eisav. Yaakov is gaining the upper hand and refuses to let the angel of Eisav go up
to heaven until he gives Yaakov a blessing. The angel responds by asking Yaakov
what his name is. He then changes Yaakov’s name to Yisrael, which means,
“You have fought and struggled with the Divine and man, and you prevailed.”
Yaakov still doesn’t let him go and asks the angel what his name is. The angel of
Eisav, who is the Satan himself, responds, “Why do you ask me my name?” Then
Yaakov lets him go.
The question is, why didn’t the angel tell Yaakov his name? And the answer is,
he did! Because the angel of Eisav – who is the Satan and the evil inclination all
wrapped up in one – is actually telling you his name when he says, “Why do you
ask me my name,” which means don’t ask questions. This is one of the Satan’s
most destructive techniques in negatively impacting a person’s spirituality. Just
do whatever you want, and don’t ask if it’s right or wrong. “Am I giving enough
money to tzedakah? Am I really treating my spouse with proper respect? Is life
just about making money, eating, and buying nice things? What is my purpose on
this Earth?” No, never ask yourself, “Should I apologize to that person? Maybe
I hurt his feelings.” The point is, don’t think, just live your life on automatic
pilot. That is the job description of the Satan himself; to keep you so busy that
you never ask any questions. By doing so, you will never know how to live, and
therefore, you will never know how to die.
Wishing you an inspiring Shabbos,
Rabbi Moshe Gruenstein

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