The Parashah’s name is very strange. Usually, the Torah names the Parasha after either great people of great events. So,…
This week Parasha starts with an intriguing Pasuk: It was when Pharaoh sent out the people, and Hashem did not…
Just before the last plague, as the Bnei Yisrael get ready to be redeemed from Egypt, the Pasuk [Shemos 12:2]…
Despite the seven plagues described in this Parasha, the commentaries have spent an indescribable amount of efforts to explain a…
The Parasha starts by describing the last days of Yaakov. Thus, before departing this world, he wants to bless his…
The Parasha begins with the confrontation between two Kings, Yehuda and Yosef. They are brothers, but their path of serving…
The Parasha begins with the account of Yosef’s dramatic elevation from servitude in the Egyptian dungeons to the position of…
The jealousy of the brothers culminated after Yosef recounted his dreams. in the first dream, the 11 sheaves of wheat…
Yaakov, after his dream, made a vow (Bereshis 28,20-22). if Hashem would be with him and would protect him, he,…
The immediate repercussions of Yaakov’s receiving his father’s Divine blessing is tragic. Yaakov is forced to flee the land of…