The Talmud [Shabbos 74a] points to a blatant contradiction in a Mishna:“One who has [two types of] food before him…
The Sefer Devarim starts with a Verse that has all the Sages perplexed. “These are the words which Moshe spoke…
Introduction The Melacha of Borer – sorting/separating is both complicated and unique. It is complicated as usually every Melacha is…
The Gemara Baba Kama 38a recounts Moshe saying, “And the Hashem said to me, do not be at enmity with…
During the three weeks, there are five levels of mourning – in ascending order: the first is 17 Tammuz, then…
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Non-food item mixturesThe laws of Borer do not exclusively apply to food items, non-food items too are regimented by the…
The Parasha recounts the act of bravery demonstrated by Pinchas, risking his life for the sake of Kiddush Hashem. When…
The Parashah begins by stating: “This is the law of the Torah that Hashem commanded, instruct the Bnei Yisrael to…
After last week miserable episode of the Meraglim, which ended sadly as they initiated adispute amongst the Bnei Yisrael, our…