The Parasha starts by ordering us the Mitzva of Bikkurim, which consists in bringing the First ripe Fruits to the…
Publicity 1. One should not boast about his charity (ג”סי ט”רמ’ סי א”רמ .(Nevertheless, if one donates an item, it…
Dvar Torah Elul By Rabbi Shapiro – ולהן אתה הולך- where are you going? As we begin the month of…
“Rabbi Elazar said: ‘During the time of the Beis Hamikdash, each person would give their halfShekel and receive an atonement.…
The Parasha starts by repeating a commandment that was just stated a few verses ago in Parashas Shoftim: “When you…
The Torah outlines the way to perform the commandments and how to live our life: הֶיְ הִ ת יםִ מָּ…
Blowing Shofar 1. There is a minhag to blow the shofar every morning beginning on the second day of Rosh…
The verse states: “when you will wage war over your enemy and see horses and chariots, forces larger than yours,…
The Pasuk says: “Hashem will ward off from you all sickness; He will not bring upon you any of the…
Shacharis The Zohar is very strict about being among theten first people, and to absolutely never arrivelate, as it is…