Rabbi Fridmann The first Verse of Parashas Nitsavim states: “You are all standing, this day, before Hashem your G-d.” (Deut.…
*Eve of Yom Kippur 1. Requesting forgiveness: Yom Kippur does not atone for offenses toward another person. Forgiveness must be…
“Hashem said to Moshe: You are soon to lie with your fathers. This people will go astray after the alien…
The Torah seems overly stringent about the practice of the Mitzvos without joy, as stated: “All these curses shall befall…
Eve of Rosh Hashana 1. Cancellation of Vows: It is the custom to cancel all vows and promises, as when…
The Midrash [Vayikrah 34:12] relates a story; Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai was possibly the holiest man that ever lived. Besides…
Considering the current situation, many people will be hearing the shofar at home, whether because they are at high risk…
After the curses of Ki Savo, Moshe our Holy shepherd, gathered all of us to conclude an alliance between Hashem…
The Parasha of Nitsavim always precedes Rosh Hashana, as it contains three verses that describe the true Teshuva and its…
The first Mitzva the Parasha orders us is the Mitzva of Bikkurim, as if immediately upon settling in Eretz Yisrael…