The quality of shmirat haloshon – guarding your tong! is within everyone’s reach! 100% guarantied.
If someone bears you ill will, greet him with peace, for this will awaken a [positive feeling within him.
It is the power of speech which defines man’s essence and distinguishes him from other creatures.
Divine light visible to human eyes. For a mitzvah is a candle and Torah is light. (Proverbs 6:23) Every mitzvah…
Learning Torah By Tzvi Freeman We don’t learn Torah to gain knowledge—not even divine knowledge. At the time you are…
One of the prohibited forms of behavior is gossip. The Power of Thought and Speech לֹא תֵלֵךְ רָכִיל בְּעַמֶּיךָ וגו’:…
Question: What’s done is done. I had an abortion years ago. I did it to avoid shame, but instead I am riddled…
The issue of cosmetic surgery is discussed by several contemporary posekim (halachic authorities), who address several concerns such surgery poses. Though I…
If all things are G‑d’s creation and all that happens comes from Above, what is special about a mitzvah? Because…