The health and development of a fetus are largely dependent on the behavior, nutritional choices and attitude of the expecting…
קָרְבָּנוֹ קַעֲרַת כֶּסֶף אַחַת שְׁלֹשִׁים וּמֵאָה מִשְׁקָלָהּ וגו’: (במדבר ז:מג) The offering [of the sixth prince] consisted of one silver…
When you learn Torah, really learn, to grasp all you can, you become absorbed within Torah, and Torah becomes absorbed…
In the opening verses of this week’s Torah portion, we read about the tasks assigned to the various families of…
You are presented with two envelopes. One contains a dollar. The other, a check for $1 million. Which would you…
Our Parasha ends with the offering of the 12 princes of the tribes, which is famously read during Chanukah. The…
In the beginning, a world of twos was created. Heaven and Earth. Body and soul. Good and evil. Life and…
Why is Torah compared to light? Because it tells us the place of each thing. Because, in truth, there is…
If a word is worth one coin, silence is worth two.
The mitzvah to care for another Jew as though this Jew were you. The power to transcend labels and identify…