Mishpatim 5769 – G-d sees all

“If he did not lie in wait, but G-d brought it to his hand…” (Shemos 21:13)

The above verse speaks about if a person lies in wait to ambush another person. Rashi asks why the words “G-d brought it to his hand” appear. Why would such a thing result from G-d? Rashi brings an answer by saying that it refers to a case like this one: there were two people that committed murder, one did it accidentally and one did it intentionally. The problem was there was no witnesses for either case so the one that did it accidentally does not receive the punishment of running to the city of refuge and the one that did it intentionally does not receive the death penalty. These punishments only happen if there were two witnesses. So, G-d makes sure that these two people meet each other at an inn. The one who intentionally killed is sitting under a ladder that the one who accidentally killed is climbing. The man on the ladder slips, falls, and kills the one sitting under the ladder and there are witnesses. Now, they each receive the proper punishment. The accidental murderer runs to the city of refuge and the intentional murder is dead. G-d brought this about.

G-d sees everything, even when no one else does, and properly punishes or rewards people.

Around a hundred years ago, the secular governments in Europe would steal boys from their families at a young age and force them into their army. The boys would serve for many years in the army before they were allowed to go back home to continue on with their life. One time, the government came to a wealthy Jewish man’s house to take his son. This wealthy man bribed the guards to take a Jewish orphan boy instead (he reasoned no one cared about the orphan boy anyway). When the community heard about this, they were outraged. They ran to the Chofetz Chaim to ask his advice on how to deal with this wealthy man and his disgusting behavior. The Chofetz Chaim merely answered “Wait”. Years and years passed and nothing happened. Finally after 20 years, this wealthy man’s son (the one he saved from going to the army) was caught a terrible disease and died. The disease was so hazardous that the Chevra Kadisha (burial society) refused to bury him. After a few days of seeing his son’s body lying in the street, the man had to dig a grave for his son and bury him by himself. G-d sees everything and repays everyone with what they deserve.

Good Shabbos!
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