Mashiv Ha’Ruach on Pesach

During Musaf on the first day of Pesach, we recite Tefilas Tal and stop saying Mashiv Ha’Ruach U’Morid Ha’Geshem. There are different customs regarding reciting Mashiv Ha’Ruach U’Morid Ha’Geshem during the silent Shemone Esray of Musaf on that day. For those who say Morid Ha’Tal during the summer months do as follows: if someone announces to recite Morid Ha’Tal before the silent Shemone Esray, then Morid Ha’Tal should be recited. If it is not announced, then Moshiv Ha’Ruach U’Morid Ha’Geshem should still be said in that silent Shemone Esray. For those who do not say Morid Ha’Tal, Moshiv Ha’Ruach U’Morid Ha’Geshem is still recited in the silent Shemone Esray because an announcement is not made to stop saying a praise of Hashem.

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