Korach 5769 – Women are our saviors

At the beginning of this week’s parsha, we learn about Korach starting a machlokes, argument, against Moshe. Korach was able to convince 250 friends, who also happened to be great leaders in the Jewish nation, to join him against Moshe. One of these people was Ohn ben Peles. Ohn was ready and willing to fight Moshe and was very excited to perform this act. Right before he joined Korach and his other buddies, though, his wife told him there is no reason for him to fight. If Korach is right, then Korach is going to become the leader, not you. If Moshe is right, Moshe will remain the leader, not you. You will accomplish nothing by being involved in the battle. Ohn accepted his wife’s rebuke and in the end, survived because he did not get involved. Once again, we see a woman saved a Jewish soul.

In every generation, the women are the ones that have saved the Jewish people. Avraham had two sons that he loved very much: Yitzchak and Yishmael. Yitzchak was chosen to pass along the ways of Avraham, but Yishmael constantly tortured him. Avraham did not want to get rid of Yishmael, but Sara said to throw him out of the house. Who was correct? The woman: Sara.

Yitzchak had two sons: Yaakov and Esav and Yitzchak, preparing for death, decided to give a blessing to one of his sons. Yitzchak felt Esav deserved the bracha, but Rivka responded Yaakov should have the bracha. Who was right? The woman: Rivka

Let’s fast forward to the years of slavery in Egypt. Pharoah decreed all Jewish baby boys were to be thrown into the river. Amram, a great Jewish leader, decided to divorce his wife so he would not be the cause of a Jewish boy dying. Miriam, his daughter, told him that he was behaving worse than Pharoah because Pharoah only decreed on the boys, while he was also denying birth to girls. Amram remarried his wife and gave birth to Moshe, who saved all of the Jewish people. The only reason we were saved from Egypt was because of a woman: Miriam.

And let’s not forget that most of the Oral Torah comes from Rabi Akiva and the only reason we have a Rabi Akiva is because he was married to Rochel. Rochel pushed him out of the house to start learning.

There are so many other stories that could be mentioned about women saving us. We have Esther, Rus, Yael, and Devora. The Purim story and Chanuka stories both involved women saving us. The women are our saviors in every generation!

Good Shabbos!
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