Is there life after death? #2 “A True Story”

Is There Life After Death? A True Story

I was reminded of a story about a girl . . . she was kind, sweet Brilliant & loved by all members of the family, relatives and friends. . . . and one

summer day as a voluntary council she was heading to camp at the age of 17, the bus stopped short, the back door opened up and she was thrown from the bus and died instantly.

Her parents were devastated at the loss of their child . . . and could not understand what G-d was doing taking such a dear precious soul at such a young age . . .

The Rabbi, with a heavy and sad heart went on with life working, studying and teaching Torah, but no one was able to console the Rabitzin, she was sad, hearth broken and could not stop crying over the loss of her little girl.

Relatives, Friends & Rabbis had stop by to help the Rabbitzen but with out success.

One day, moths later, the bell door rings, the Rebbetzin opens up the door and to her surprise there was Rebbetzin Swartz from Philadelphia about 4 hours away in traveling time. Rebbetzin Swartz said, my dear, I must speak to you, please you got to hear me out, it will not take long.

Please come in replied the Rebbetzin, what can I do for you, and

Rebbetzin Swarts said I had a dream. . . about a girl . . . who, in her

previous life had died at a ripe old age – and when she arrived in heaven the angles showed her resting place. And there up on the valley was her big beautiful home where she could reside for all eternity. Her home was over looking a river . . . surrounded with animals of all kind, the view, the garden was just breath taking, it was the most beautiful view she had ever ever seen.

As they passed each room – more magnificent than the next, the

angles explained to her that this room is for this Mitzva of not

speaking Lason Hora, this room is for the mitzvah of Hacnasat Kala, this room is for the mitzvah of inviting guest over, this room is for giving tzdaka, and so on and so on – they finally came to one room and there was a sign on the door no entrance! and they told her that they were sorry this room is not available for her – she could spend time in the whole rest of the house – but unfortunately that room was off limits.

This was the Garden of Eden – Eternal Paradise – why wasn’t she being allowed in that room? She persisted  . . . and demanded that she wants that room, there is got to be some mistake, how could that be! she

demanded and explanation.

The angles had no answer and had to consult with the high priest of that village. Finally, it was made known to her . . . and they explained as fallow: At your previous life (re-incarnation) you were an orphan – and although you had lived a long life – filled with mitzvoth & good deeds and you were A G-d fearing person- you had never had the

opportunity to fulfill the 5th commandment – “honor your mother and father” This room was design for the Mitzva of honoring your mother and father, but since you were not able to as you were an orphan, then this room unfortunately is off limits – But its not my folt the

Rabbitzen said, if I had parents, I would have!!! send me back she said – and give me parents so that I may honor them!

So there my dear Rabbitzen was your wonderful 17 year-old girl – who had more than earned her right to use that other room in those 17 years of loving and honoring you – Her time was up – time to return to her eternal place of rest as she accomplished her mission – so – while none of this ever makes sense to anyone  . . . G-d has a bigger and

better plan for each and every one of us. . . .



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