Ikar V’tafel

When two food are eaten together with the purpose that one food is kier (primary) and the other food is travel (secondary), than only one brocha is recited. For example, when eating cereal with milk, or cream cheese on a cracker, only a “mezonos” is made. Making a “mezonos” on the cracker will also cover the brocha that is needed to be made on the cream cheese.
What is the halacha if at the time the “mezonos” was made, you were intending to eat the cracker plain, or there was no milk in the house to add to your cereal. Later, you decided to spread some cream cheese, or someone went to buy milk. In this situation a “shehakol” is required. There is one exception. If someone made a “shehakol” on coffee and was not planning on adding sugar or milk, and only afterwards decided to add milk or sugar, no new brocha is required. The reason is that when added, the sugar dissolves into the coffee, and the milk blends with the coffee. (See Kaf HaChaim 174:6). Since they have become part of the coffee, as opposed to a separate food that is secondary, the original brocha is enough.

Rabbi Tzvi Aryeh Hyman, Mir Yeshiva
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