Dvar Halacha On Parshat Pekudai- March 03 2011

Parshas Pekudai mentions the kiyor, the laver, that the Kohanim were required to use to wash their hands and feet before performing the avodah in the Bais HaMikdash. From here, according to some Rishonim, we learn the requirement to wash one’s hands before davening, as every tefilah is compared to the avodah in the Bais HaMikdash. It is an point of contention amongst the Rishonim if Chaza”l instituted the blessing of “al netilas yadaim” only on the washing before Shachris, or before all of the tefilos. The accepted halachah is not to make a brocho, while the students of the Vilna Gaon were accustomed to wash with the blessing.

Rabbi Aharon Dovid Singer
Rosh Kollel, North Miami Beach Community Kollel
Director, South Florida Torah Initiative

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