Discover Your Goodness Chapter 2:13


“Rabbi Yochanon ben Zakai said to his students, ‘Go out and see which is the proper path that a person should follow.’ Rabbi Yose responded, ‘The proper path is to strive to be a good neighbor.'” Every good virtue of character is precious and important. Therefore, if one excels in one trait, he would not assume that he could then be lax in other traits. For instance, if he excels in the trait of kindness it doesn’t “give him the right” to be lazy. If so, why did Rabbi Yochanon instruct us to focus on one “proper path?” In truth, the Mishneh reveals a great secret of personal development. That is, all character traits are linked one to the other. In this light, the mastery of one virtue will systematically lead to the mastery of all other virtues!
Accordingly, while it is important to practice all good character traits, we should strive to master one of them, in particular. The mastery of one “root virtue” will facilitate the fulfillment of all other virtues. Rabbi Yose advises us to master the oundational virtue of being “a good neighbor.” When a person earns the love of about five neighbors or friends, this will eventually bring him to be beloved by the entire community. In turn, this will power him to attain all the precious and good character traits! [Based on the commentary of Rabenu Yonah] TODAY: Do a good deed or say a kind word to one of your neighbors.

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