Devarim 5773 – M&M Candy & Lashon Hara

You murmured in your tents (Devarim 1:27)
This refers to Lashon Hara (slander) — RASHI

Which is worse: Lashon Hara or murder? I think we can find the answer from the famous M&M slogan: Milk chocolate melts in your mouth, not in your hands.

What makes something melt? Heat, of course. Heat has two things it can do. First, it can destroy. Tall buildings can collapse when they are on fire. The M&M slogan states that chocolate melts in your mouth and not in your hands — therefore, there must be more heat in your mouth than in our hands. This is certainly true. Our tongue can destroy much more than anything our hands hold.

This past week, I was listening to a lecture from a Rosh Yeshiva and he stated an interesting fact. Hilter (may his memory be erased) was one of the biggest murderers of all time. Many millions of people died because of him. (Remember, it was not only the six million Jews that were killed but millions of non-Jews also.) But how many of them did he actually physically kill? How many people did he actually shoot? How many people did he actually murder? If any, it was not very many. He had other people do this work. Since that is true, why is he considered the murderer? It is because he murdered the millions of people through his tongue. He spoke the orders to brutally execute millions of people. One’s mouth has the power to destroy many – many, many more than any weapon can kill.

Heat can also do a second thing, though… it can warm up people. Imagine a freezing day and walking into a nicely heated house. You now feel warm and cozy. You are now happy and comfortable. This is the power of our tongue. With our words, we can put a smile on people’s faces. With our words, we can cheer them up. With our words, we can save lives.

Tisha B’Av is coming next week – the saddest day on our calendar. Why have we been in this bitter exile for so long? It is because of our tongue. This year, let’s learn the lesson of M&M candies and remember that our mouths are full of heat. We can decide how we want to use that heat. Will we speak Lashon Hara and use our tongue to destroy? Or will we use it warm up others and make them cheerful? I recommend the second choice and through that we should see the end to this exile and coming of Moshiach! May we soon see a complete peace in the world.

Good Shabbos!
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