Chukas/Balak 5769 – The Final Test

The Jews are literally standing on the edge of entering Eretz Yisroel in this week’s parsha. We are at the very end of the 40 years that the Jews traveled in the desert and the preparations are being made for the Jews to enter the Holy Land. As we know, when G-d sends tests on people, he makes them increasingly harder (because people usually grow as they get older and are able to face bigger challenges). The final test before entering Eretz Yisroel happens at the end of this week’s parsha, Chukas-Balak. Bilaam tried to curse the Jews and failed in his mission. He is extremely upset so he tells Balak a new plan to get the Jews to fall: send the Midianite women to seduce the Jewish men. Unfortunately, thousands of Jewish men failed this test and died in the desert for it. We see from here though that the most difficult test a man could be put through in this world is regarding relationships with women.

A student once came to his Rosh Yeshiva and asked for permission to attend one of his relative’s wedding. The student stated there would be many immodestly dressed women at the affair, but the student felt had trained himself well enough to overcome this desire. The Rosh Yeshiva responded that he was over seventy years old and blind in one eye with bad sight in the other, but he feels that he would not be able to control himself if he would be put in that situation. This is a great Rosh Yeshiva we are talking about! This desire is very strong.

If you haven’t noticed, it is now summer and during the summer, it is warm outside. People like to spend time outside and therefore, many people wear less clothing than they do during the winter months. To the men, please be very careful. Do not put yourself in a situation where you will fail. Men have very strong desires and the best thing to do is to avoid putting ourselves in difficult and dangerous situations if we can. To the women, please also be careful. When men see a woman dressed immodestly, he does NOT think “Wow. I think she would be a great person to have long conversations with.” This is a very serious issue. This was the final test the Bnei Yisroel were given before entering Eretz Yisroel. Even the Rosh Yeshiva was scared he might not pass this test, so let’s all be extremely careful this summer.

Good Shabbos!
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