Chayei Sarah 5778 Q and E

1. The Torah records that the lifespan of Sarah was 127
years. Where else in Tanach does the number 127
2. Which two ancient cities in Israel have numbers as
part of their name?
3. Avraham purchases the cave in Hebron from Efron.
Where else in Tanach is land purchased by Jews from
4. Aside from the 400 silver coins used to purchase the
cave in Hebron, where else is in the book of Breishis
is the number 400 mentioned? (2 answers)
5. Where in this parasha is the number ten mentioned?
(3 answers)
6. The Torah records that Eliezer finds a wife for
Yitzhak by a well. Who in the Torah meets his own
future wife at a well? (2 answers)

1. Esther 1:1 states that Achashverosh ruled over 127 countries.
2. Kiryat Arba (Breishis 23:2) and Be’er Sheva (Breishis 22:19) both
include a number in their names.
3. In Breishis 33:19, Yaakov purchased a field near Shchem. In 2-
Shmuel 24:24, King David purchased a threshing floor, which
became the site of the Holy Temple. In 1-Kings 16:24, the Jewish
king Amri purchased Har Shomron in central Israel.
4. In Breishis 15:13, God tells Abraham that his children will be
slaves for 400 years. In Breishis 32:7, Esav comes to attack
Yaakov with 400 men.
5. Eliezer takes 10 camels on his journey (Breishis 24:1). Eliezer
gives Rivka two bracelets, each weighing 10 shekels of gold
(Breishis 24:10). Rivka’s family wants her to stay in their home for
at least 10 months before marrying Yitzhak (Breishis 24:45).
6. Yaakov meets Rachel at a well (Breishis 29:9-10). Moshe meets
the daughters of Yisro at a well and later marries one of the
daughters, Tzipporah (Shemos 2:15-

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