BIG NEWS!!!!! Yaakov Ephraim Seltzer, the author of the weekly D’var Torah on, is coming out with his first…
But he (Lot) tarried, and the men took hold of his hand and his wife’s hand, and the hand of…
Did Avrohom Bring Yitzchok For a Korban? We all understand Akeidas Yitzchok to be a test for Avrohom that was…
Avrohom’s Good-Bye Party To describe Yaakov’s departure from Be’er Sheva the Torah uses the word VaYetzei. Rashi famously comments that…
Hashem said to Avram, ‘go from your land, your birthplace, and your father’s house to the land I will show…
Murder Can’t Be Left To The Human Mind The Torah warns us (Noach 9:6) that someone who spills the blood…
And he (Noach) planted a vineyard (Bereshis 9:20) Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser asks a question on this week’s parsha: what did…
Creating A World Around Bnei Yisroel Rashi brings the medrash that asks, “Why does the Torah start with Bireishis, when…
Let us make man (Bereshis 1:26) Ever see a picture where most of it was covered up except for a…
Te scepter shall not depart from Yehuda (Bereshis 49:10) Nowadays, we have something called the Maccabean Games. Now I enjoy…