Before eating on Shabbos morning, there is an obligation to make kiddush. This obligation to recite kiddush only starts after…
There is a mitzvah to make kiddush on Friday night. According to most opinions, the mitzvah d’oraisa (from the Torah)…
The mishna in Shabbos 113a says that one is not permitted to make ones bed if the bed will not…
Anyone who hears a blessing from beginning to end, thereby intending to fulfill his duty, has fulfilled his duty even…
We have a custom to nullify our vows on erev Rosh Hashana. Chayei Adam 138 explains that we do this…
From the days preceding Rosh Hashana until Yom Kippur we are accustomed to say selichos. The custom in the ashkenazic…
The month of Elul was given to us as a preparation for the Day of Awe. On Rosh Hashana we…
B”H In the beginning G-d created… What exactly does that mean? How can it be that One Who is complete,…
When we take off our TEFFILIN we should remove the SHEL ROSH with our left hand (the weaker one) to…
If A website that sells Judaica or similar products is operated by an internet company which exists somewhere in cyberspace.…