Moshe Rabeinu after punishing the Medianites and Killing Balaam, he stands on a rock and inform the Bnei Yisrael that…
The Gemara Baba Kama 38a recounts Moshe saying, “And the Lord said to me, do not be at enmity with…
Dear Friend: I consulted with several Dayonim in Israel that specialize in fertility question. The answer I received was that…
The Parsha begins with a description of Pinchas‘ richly-deserved reward: a covenant of peace. How self-evident is this particular reward?…
The Posuk says “AND BOLOK SAW ALL THAT ISRAEL HAD DONE TO THE AMORITES”, it’s an interesting language the Posuk…
It’s important to understand why the parashah begins by saying “This is the law of the Torah…” and discusses exclusively…
The fundamental reason of Korach discord was due to the fact that Levi [son of Yaakov] had 4 sons: Amram,…
We wonder how the Meraglim fell so drastically and sinned so severely. They were originally tzaddikim and called, ,”אַנָשִים”and as…
The Pasuk says: The People complained badly like mourners, Hashem became angry and His fire burnt them…11-1. The Verse does…
“Take the Census” The Parasha requires to “Take the Census” [the literal translation is to “elevate the head”] of the…