Important To Know About Jewish Marriage #1- At The Chupah “Wedding Ceremony”

Important To Know About Jewish Marriage

Why is it that the Chatan (the Groom) in giving the ring to his Kallah (the Bride) says the following phrase:

“Harai hat makoodashet lee B’tabat  Zot Kadat Moshe V’Israel“. 

“With this ring you become holy to me as stated in the laws of Moshe & B’nei Israel“.

Why is the custom to say as stated in the laws of Moshe & Israel, and not as stated in the laws of the Torah?  Furthermore, why is it that the Chupa, the portable tent in which we get married under, has 4 openings.

When one looks back into our history, we learn that Moshe Rabeinu was In charge with the responsibility of constantly maintaining peace and harmony between the Jewish people when it came to any misunderstanding pertaining to different views of the Torah laws or any personal matters between neighbors and friends. Moshe Rabeinu was the individual to whom all of B‘nei Yisrael looked up to.  Despite all of the various disputes that took place between them. One thing was certain, they always solved their problems and made up because of the unconditional love that  existed between them. 

Our Sages tell us that the four entrances of the Chupah serve to remind us of the mitzvah of hospitality. To be like Avraham Aveinu & Sarah, in the way in which they interact with their neighbors and friends. It was most important to Avraham that his tent remain open in all four directions so that he could watch out for those who might happen to pass by.  He would then extend an invitation with a warm welcome & open arms for them to refresh themselves and then treat them to a lavish meal cooked by none other than Sara herself. Before their guests were allowed to leave, Avraham made sure that they heard a great dvar Torah in order to inspire their belief in G’.

As it is stated by our  prophet Hoshea  “I the Lord your G-d will be engaged to you forever. ”Hahsem is delivering a promise to us never to leave us and to always have the same unconditional love for  us no matter what.  With this in mind may Hashem our G-d  bless all Jewish Married Couples, with the same such unconditional love. May your hearts always be filled with a great desire to give to one another, to share & to love. May Hashem bless you to be like Sarah & Avraham and build a  home filled with bubbling love and kindness for 120 years.

Mazal Tov To All,



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