Don’t Be Shy!!!
Just Tell Them!
1. Do not express damaging or derogatory information about someone that might cause him physical, psychological or financial harm, even if it is true and deserved. 2. Promote people’s well being. When in doubt, don’t speak out. 3. Humor is great, but make sure jokes aren’t at someone else’s expense.
4. Be kind to yourself. Speaking badly even about yourself is unethical. 5. Don’t listen to gossip. If you can’t change the direction of the conversation, it is advisable to leave. 6. If you inadvertently hear damaging information, you should believe that it is NOT true. 7. Always give others the benefit of the doubt and focus on the positive. 8. Words once spoken can’t be erased. Think before you speak, especially if you are angry, hurt or jealous. 9. Use kind and supportive words with your children and spouse whenever possible. Harsh words can cause irreparable harm as can speaking derogatorily to others about the ones you love most. 10. It is not only permitted, but required, to warn a person about potential harm – for example, that a potential business partner has a repeated record of embezzlement.
Don’t Be Shy!!!
Just Tell Them!
NG Please!!
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1. Do not express damaging or derogatory information about someone that might cause him physical, psychological or financial harm, even if it is true and deserved. 2. Promote people’s well being. When in doubt, don’t speak out. 3. Humor is great, but make sure jokes aren’t at someone else’s expense.
4. Be kind to yourself. Speaking badly even about yourself is unethical. 5. Don’t listen to gossip. If you can’t change the direction of the conversation, it is advisable to leave. 6. If you inadvertently hear damaging information, you should believe that it is NOT true. 7. Always give others the benefit of the doubt and focus on the positive. 8. Words once spoken can’t be erased. Think before you speak, especially if you are angry, hurt or jealous. 9. Use kind and supportive words with your children and spouse whenever possible. Harsh words can cause irreparable harm as can speaking derogatorily to others about the ones you love most. 10. It is not only permitted, but required, to warn a person about potential harm – for example, that a potential business partner has a repeated record of embezzlement.
If all things are G‑d’s creation and all that happens comes from Above, what is special about a mitzvah?
Because as the world is created and recreated each moment, its details are not yet in place. That is left to us.
That is what we accomplish when we do a mitzvah: We connect scattered details into place so that the original meaning and purpose of each thing becomes clear and their divine energy can shine through.
That’s why the most powerful of all mitzvahs is the mitzvah of taking some of the money you have earned through your hard work, money with which you could acquire the things you like—and giving it to a worthy charity.
Every other mitzvah encompasses a specific aspect of yourself and a particular chunk of your world. The mitzvah of tzedakah encompasses all of you and all your world.
Everything you do, and everything that touches you, all at once, moves rapidly into place, finds its meaning, and begins to shine.
And so the sages say, “Tzedakah brings closer the world’s ultimate redemption.”
Tanya, chapter 37.
By Tzvi Freeman
This chapter of Tehillim has already been chosen by someone else!