Why do Women have to cover their Hair


In the beginning G-d created… What exactly does that mean? How can it be that One Who is complete, perfect, spiritual can create physical being like us, not to mention things which are not even kosher?!? The holy Ari Zal explained that it’s an ongoing process called “Tzimtum”. The process is ongoing because Hashem renews His creation every moment.
In the beginning, there was what the Ari HaKodosh called the Tzimtzum Harishon, which roughly translated means the original contraction of Hashem’s light. Exactly what this means has been a matter of debate for hundreds of years, and need not concern us now. What followed was something which we call Seder Hishtalshelus, or the Order of the Chain, meaning the descent of G-dly “light” lower and lower until it reaches this world, including the world of Klipah .
We see things as they occur in this world, and are able to extrapolate (at least to an extent) what must be happening above. Great Tzaddikim, on the other hand, can see what’s happening in higher realms and understand what’s happening here. By way of example, when the Torah says that Hashem “spoke”, it’s not talking about air passing through vocal cords (Chas V’Shalom). If there was somehow a tape recorder present at creation, it would not have picked up “Let there be light”. The concept of talking is revealing your understanding and emotions to someone else. That’s exactly what happens above, although the “someone else” is just one who appears to be someone else.
The light travels from world to world in a special order. First comes Hashem’s will, then His power of perception, then understanding, then emotion, and then action. This level of action is connected to will, because it is the result of will. It then becomes the “will” for the next world.
I would like to present a simple allegory to explain why this is so. A person has a room in their house which has been closed and unused for years. They want (will) to make it a guest room. The first step is to enter the room and turn on the light. That initial flash of what a mess the room is is what we called perception. Then comes understanding, i.e. making a mental inventory what can remain, what needs to be fixed, and what must be thrown away. This “gives birth” to an emotion, in this case disgust. The end result is that the room becomes usable, i.e. a new world is created.
A woman, in particular a married woman, is a physical manifestation of the aspect of action, which as we said previously, is directly connected with the highest levels. That’s why she can multi-task. That’s why she gives birth to the next “world”.
Intellect has nothing to do with Klipah. When we get down to action, that’s where forces which are less than positive can receive nourishment. The lower it’s been brought down, the more nourishment it can receive. Hair is such a great contraction of G-dly light, that it can even be cut without our feeling it. Therefore, a married woman must cover her hair in order to prevent any negative results.
We all wait for the time of Moshiach when we will see that “A woman of valor is her husband’s crown” — we shall see the connection that a woman has with G-d’s essence.
This is a difficult concept, and I did not give it the space it deserves. If anyone has any questions, feel free to email me at [email protected].

Rabbi Shmuel Mendelsohn
The Jewish Learning Center
Miami Beach, FL

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