Types of “Mixtures”
We have learnt in the previous Shiur that items are readily distinguishable because of a clear
difference of consistency or structure are not considered a mixture. For example, meatballs in
sauce is not a mixture. Only items that are: 1) Mingled together, 2) attached together, 3) stacked
on each other constitute a mixture.
1- Mingled items
א .A mixture consists of items that have lost their personal identity due to the being mingled
with other items, such as:
- beans, barley, potato, and meat in a cholent.
- Mixed nuts in a bowl.
- Sliced fruit bowl.
- Pile of utensils.
- Deli platter.
- Cake platter [with different types of cakes].
ב .When there is a doubt if it is considered a mixture, it is deemed as a mixture and the
prohibition of Borer applies.
ג .A rotten located in a fruit bowl constitutes a mixture and the laws of Borer apply. One may
then take a “good” fruit from the bowl only if he intends to eat it immediately.
2- Attached items
א .Attached Items are considered a mixture, such as:
- Fat attached to meat.
- Peels on fruits.
- Shells on nuts or eggs.
- Rotten part of a fruit.
- Pits of the fruits.
ב .As learnt in previous Shiurim, one must remove the “good” from the “bad”. Sometimes it
is impossible for 2 categories of items: - Peeling an orange or an egg, it is impossible to remove the “good” from the “bad”,
It is nevertheless permitted to remove the “bad” [the peel] as it is the “way of eating
it”. Thus, it can only be done for immediate consumption. - When it is more difficult to remove the “good” from the “bad”. For example, Fat on
Meat, one can remove the fat if he also removes a sliver of the meat. It is permitted
as it is not considered the “bad” was removed since some good was also removed.
3- Stacked items
א .If items are piled on top of one another, they are considered a mixture even if each item
is individually recognizable, such as: - A stack of different type of plates.
- A pike of towels or clothes.
ב .Thus, it is permissible to remove unwanted top items in order to reach a wanted item on
bottom of the mixture.
By Rabbi Fridmann * [email protected] * 305.985.3461
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