Vayigash 5768 – Serach

In this week’s parsha, Yosef reveals himself to his brothers. The brothers hurry back to tell their father, Yaakov, that his son is still alive. Only one problem: how do we tell Yaakov that Yosef is still alive without sending him into shock? The Midrash says that when the brothers arrived home, they found Asher’s daughter, Serach, outside with her harp. Since Serach was a very talented harp player, the brothers decided that Serach should tell Yaakov that Yosef is still alive.

Serach came up behind Yaakov and began playing her harp very softly. While she played, Serach began to say that Yosef, your son, is still alive. Yaakov was comforted hearing Serach’s music and gave her a blessing that she should live forever. The Midrash continues by saying that Yaakov’s blessing came true. Serach was still alive during the time of Dovid HaMelech (King David), which was over 500 years after she was born! She was also one of a very few that was taken straight to Olam Haba (the World to Come) without dying.

I would like to focus on two things in this Midrash. First, never take a blessing lightly, especially from a great person. Yaakov gave Serach a blessing and that blessing came true. There is a story that one time the Vilna Gaon blessed a man that he should live to 100. The man became very sick at 96 and everyone started giving up. The man refused to give up and said the Gaon gave him a blessing that he would not die until he reached 100. He recovered. On his 100th birthday, he passed away.

Second, why did Serach merit this blessing? The reason is because she passed along good news to Yaakov that comforted him. Whenever we can say something nice that will brighten someone’s day, we should say it. Our words have great power and we never know what may happen because of the good things we say. We can make another person’s day by telling them good news.

Good Shabbos!
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