Terumah 5776 – The Fire of Torah

And you shall make a Menorah of pure gold (Shemos 25:31)

The Menorah in the Temple had seven branches and was a symbol for Torah study. Last week, we mentioned how one little spark of fire could spread. This week, I would like to share another property of fire which I think is the reason the Menorah, which has seven flames, is the symbol for Torah study. A fire cannot be stolen from another person. If a person takes fire from a flame, the original flame still remains. This is Torah! Let me explain.

Have you ever gone to a supermarket to buy fruit. You walk in with money in your pockets and find some nice yellow bananas. You go to the cashier and hand her money for the bananas. You no longer have your money but you now have bananas. This is the same for everything in the business world – you give something of yours away to get something from someone else. Torah, though, is different. When you share a Torah thought with someone else, you do not lose anything. You still retain the original Torah thought and the other person now gains. This is like a flame – fire can be taken from the flame, but the flame does not lose any power.

Also, imagine someone who does not want to pay for the bananas. He just wants to take them. So, he sneaks into the store, hides the bananas in his jacket and walks out without paying. (Of course this is illegal and should not be done). Now, think of a person who tries to steal someone else’s Torah. You can’t because it is in their brain/mind. There is no physical object, so it cannot be taken – just like a fire cannot be stolen from a flame.

Of course, we need to go to work – Pirkei Avos states if there’s no bread, there’s no Torah. A person cannot learn if he has no food, which comes from making a living. But a person does need to have the proper focus. We can work extra hours to make more money, and lose it in a moment. Or we can spend some extra time learning and have an eternal gift.

Good Shabbos!
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