1) LIABILITY FOR “SHECHUTEI CHUTZ” (a) (Mishnah): (One is exempt for…) Rove’a or Nirva…(we learn from “Lifne Mishkan Hash-m”). (b)…
1) LIABILITY FOR “PARAH ADUMAH” OUTSIDE (a) (Gemara) Question: What does it mean ‘outside of its pit’? (b) Answer #1…
1) “HAKTARAH” OF “CHASER” (a) Answer #4 (Rava): The case is, the full Shi’ur was put in a Kli Shares;…
1) WHEN DOES PESACH OVERRIDE ANINUS LAYLAH? (a) Answer #3 (Rav Mari): If the death and burial of the relative…
1) BURNING “NESACHIM” THAT ARE “TAMEI” (a) (Rav Huna): If Nesachim became Teme’im, we make a separate Ma’arachah for them…
1) WHEN DOES “ZERIKAH” TAKE EFFECT ON “EIMURIM” (a) Suggestion: Tana’im argue about Ravina’s law. 1. (Beraisa – R. Eliezer):…
1) THAT WHICH IS MORE FREQUENT TAKES PRECEDENCE (a) (Mishnah): Whatever is more Tadir (frequent) takes precedence (is done first):…
1) AIRSPACE OF THE “MIZBE’AC”H (cont.) (a) (Rav Simi Bar Ashi): Rather, we must say that the airspace is like…
1) THINGS NOT FIT FOR THE “MIZBE’ACH” (cont.) (a) (Beraisa): “V’Hiktir ha’Kohen Es ha’Kol ha’Mizbechah” – this includes bones, sinews,…
1) WHEN IS THE BLOOD “NIFSAL” (a) (Mishnah): If blood was brought in Lechaper… (b) (Beraisa – R. Eliezer): It…