This week I had the pleasure of spending some time in Jacksonville and heard an interesting thought between Mincha and…
In the 13th Century, a book was written anonymously called Sefer HaChinuch. This book lists reasons for all of the…
This week, I have had the great priviledge of traveling to Columbus, OH and getting to visit the Columbus Community…
Imagine there are four seconds left to play at the Super Bowl. The offensive team lines up for a 33…
This week’s parsha, Bamidbar, counts the tribes of Yisroel. At the end of the parsha, the tribe of Levi is…
Rashi asks on the first verse in this week’s parsha, Bechukosai, “what does it mean to follow G-d’s statutes?” He…
In the beginning of the Second Aliyah in this week’s parsha, Behar, it states that “If you sell anything to…
In this week’s parsha, Emor, we learn laws of the Cohanim (priests). In 21:16-24, a listing appears about blemishes a…
I’d like to share a personal story that happened to me many years ago when I was a senior counselor…
One of my friends was once picking up a pizza at Sara’s Pizza when another man waiting there told him…