“This day G-d commands you to perform these laws to keep and perform them with all your heart and all…
A person once came to a Rabbi and started mocking Judaism for all of its laws. The man said there…
“When you go out to war… do not be afraid of them [your enemy] because Hashem, your G-d, is with…
“These are the animals you may eat…” (Devarim 14:4) Vacations are an important part of everyone’s life. When some people…
I am happy to say that I have now been writing for www.chesedclub.com for two years!!!! I would like to…
This week the Olympic Games began in Beijing. For most people, the first thing they think of when they hear…
This week we begin the final of the five books of the Torah with Parshas Devarim. It says in this…
This week’s parsha, Masei, lists the 42 stops we made during our forty year journey from Egypt to Eretz Yisrael.…
This week’s parsha discusses G-d commanding the Jews to defeat the nation of Midian. The Midianites were the ones that…
In last week’s parsha, Bilaam tried to curse the Jews and was unsuccessful. He came up with a different plan…