Thus far we have focused on the statements which are derogatory in nature. The second category of loshon hara involves…
We have seen that to speak derogatorily of one’s fellow is to degrade one’s own status as a creation b’tzelem…
Once something is defined as derogatory, it is forbidden to relate it other than for constructive purposes and under specific…
While the Scriptural prohibition against loshon hara applies only to speaking about the living, our Sages prohibit making slanderous remarks…
The Torah states: Do not go as a gossipmonger among your people (Vayikra 19:16). From the words among your people,…
While statements which have a negative connotation are prohibited, this would not apply where the listener can be expected to…
A Jew is responsible for exercising caution in speech and not making statements which can be misinterpreted as being derogatory.…
A derogatory statement is considered loshon hara even when the information is common knowledge for, as stated above, to speak…
It is forbidden to speak derogatorily about someone even when the subject has made it known that he does not…
It is forbidden to relate derogatory information about someone even when the speaker mentions that he himself has the very…