As with any Torah prohibition, one cannot justify speaking loshon hora on the basis of personal need or practicality. A…
The primary prohibition against speaking loshon hora is: Do not go as a gossip-monger among your people (Vayikra 19:16). However,…
It is forbidden to speak in a derogatory manner even if the information being conveyed was already known to the…
In certain situations, one may — and sometimes must — provide people with negative information that is important for them…
There is a form of avak loshon hara that can result from one’s regard for the laws of forbidden speech.…
Praising a person in a situation where someone present is likely to temper such praise with criticism is another form…
Praise which has absolutely no negative connotations can, at times, fall under the category of avak loshon hara. It is…
There are times when a speaker makes a positive statement about a person and intends it as such, but negative…
It is forbidden to relate a story for entertainment purposes only, if it contains derogatory or harmful information. To relate…
All forms of loshon hara are prohibited even when the information is true and accurate. (Only in very specific circumstances…